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824阅读 · 2023-05-29

内容介绍:Reverse psoriasisReverse psoriasis, also known as inverse psoriasis, is a type of psoriasis that occurs in the skin folds and creases, such as the armpits, groi

Reverse psoriasis

Reverse psoriasis, also known as inverse psoriasis, is a type of psoriasis that occurs in the skin folds and creases, such as the armpits, groin, and under the breasts. Unlike other types of psoriasis, reverse psoriasis appears as smooth, red patches without scales. It can be itchy and painful, and can cause discomfort and embarrassment due to its location.

Treatment for reverse psoriasis usually includes topical medications, such as corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors, to reduce inflammation and itching. Moisturizers can also help alleviate symptoms by keeping the affected areas hydrated. In severe cases, systemic treatments, such as methotrexate or biologic drugs, may be necessary.

In addition to medical treatment, lifestyle changes can also help manage reverse psoriasis. Avoiding triggers, such as stress, alcohol, and certain medications, can prevent flare-ups. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly can also improve overall health and potentially reduce symptoms.

Overall, reverse psoriasis is a chronic condition that requires ongoing management and care. Working with a healthcare provider to develop a personalized treatment plan can help effectively manage symptoms and improve quality of life.