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545阅读 · 2023-06-05

内容介绍:被蚊子咬得牛皮癣牛皮癣是一种慢性的自身免疫性疾病,通常 manifest on the skin in the form of red, scaly patches that can be very itchy and irritating. 40 years of s


牛皮癣是一种慢性的自身免疫性疾病,通常 manifest on the skin in the form of red, scaly patches that can be very itchy and irritating. 40 years of science has identified that psoriasis is caused by an immune system malfunction in which T cells (a specific type of white blood cell that fights infection and disease) attack healthy skin cells as if they were harmful invaders.

相反,蚊子咬所致的炎症通常 not trigger an autoimmune response. It is more likely that the physical irritation caused by mosquito bites exacerbates pre-existing psoriasis inflammation, causing it to spread beyond its original boundaries.


